
The Dive Industry Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt, charitable organization.  Dive Industry Foundation is the non-profit training arm of the Dive Industry Association.  The Foundation works to promote members of the diving community and teach them how to be positive role models for the industry.

Our Mission is to promote non-profit organizations in the diving community that have a significant positive environmental impact on our water planet while developing and growing the economic impact within our community.

We exhibit at National Trade Shows and Regional Dive Shows to promote diving as an exciting recreation.  The Foundation works to promote marine conservation and the restoration of our coral reefs and the marine environment.

Dive Industry Foundation maintains an industry database of dive industry professionals, worldwide.  We follow the industries that specialize in diving, adventure travel and marine conservation as their industry spokespeople and mavens. We conduct industry wide surveys to establish industry norms and best practices, which we share with the worldwide diving business community.

Dive Industry Foundation is a 100% Volunteer Organization.  All of our Directors, Staff, Vendors, Sponsors and Volunteers are non-paid Volunteers.  We are always looking for concerned Dive Industry Professionals to donate their time, money and manpower to help us fulfill our mission.


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